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Best parenting skills to raise successful kids in 2023


Raising successful kids in this modern world is a challenge for parents. We, as a parent, are facing many difficulties. In this hustling world, everyone worries about their kids' upbringing. There are different styles of parenting. Some of the techniques are

· Permissive

· Authoritarian

· Authoritative

· Neglectful

Parents have to decide which style should adopt. We should know the pros and cons of each type and adapt them accordingly.

Strictness vs politeness:

Parents love for their children is natural. For example, a mother is restless when a child is sick until he becomes well. She feels happy to see her child well. Some parents are lenient, while others are strict. Some try to find out the right balance. We should politely teach our children. Calling them sweet names such as good girl and good boy significantly impacts them. Wise parents respect the individuality of their kids and don't dictate how they express themselves and what they are curious about. Sometimes, we have to take strict measures when teaching in love does not convince them. Strictness will help for the future safety and welfare of children. It will also be for the benefit of society.

Your Time Is More Important For Children:

Your time is the most important for your children. Nothing can replace your child's need for you. Neither a room full of toys nor vacations can replace you. So it would be best if you spare time for your children. Money is necessary but should not be the priority. The time you spend with your children beats your time at work because it gives pleasure. We feel refreshed and less exhausted with children as compared to work. Spending quality time with your child is a good parenting skill.

Playful Parenting Methods:

Playful parenting is also a good technique. As Dr. Lawrence (Cohen, May 2001) says in his book 'Playful parenting', children explore a complex world through playing, communicating deep feelings, getting closer to those they love and care about, working through stressful situations, and simply blowing off steam. That's why playful parenting is a helpful technique in making a strong bond between parents and children.

It would be best if you were consistent in your daily routine:

Parents should be consistent in their daily routines. They must set bedtime, as a familiar pattern is comfortable for adults and children. Children feel confident and secure when their daily activities are predictable, and consistency helps children have a predictable day. Children also learn the importance of time management through this. Whether it's about brushing their teeth in the morning or completing their homework in the evening, having a consistent routine helps to create these habits in children and teaches them to manage their time. Please don't allow children to diverge from their daily routine at weekends or vacations. For example, if kids sleep at nine on the weekend, only 10 or 20 minutes extra should be allowed, not much.

Help Children in Significant Life Transitions:

Major life transitions, such as the first day in school, can be stressful for children. Using books for discussion or telling stories about your 'first times' can help kids process upcoming or past events. Try to help your children make a book to tell the story of significant events happening in their life.

Developmental Transitions:

Developmental transitions like moving from childhood to young age can also be made less harrowing by remembering to keep what stability you can during these periods of revolution. Having regular family dinners or other family traditions can be a lamp of light in the challenging and confusing time of puberty.

Prioritizing appropriate amounts of sleep, healthy eating, and daily physical exercise also contribute to meeting your child's basic physical needs and help to provide a base upon which environmental and relational safety is easily maintained. It would help if you met your own basic needs. You may need to build in support for your daily life transitions and needs. And make sure your nutrition, sleep, and exercise needs are met.

Connecting with your child in playful ways can help you become more in accord with who they are. Your child feels more open to showing you who they are. Engaging playfully with your child releases tension and fear in your relationship if you've previously used a lot of punishments, shouting, and shaming.

Staying connected with your child is more effective for challenging the child’s behavior. The best parenting skill to handle problematic behavior of kids is to stop it in the first place. A child who feels that you will take care of his basic external and internal needs and who consistently has a sense of safety in his relationship with you will be happy and content in this way that challenging behavior will happen less often. So wise parenting involves creating that formulized and cherishing environment.

Responsive Parenting Skills:

This parenting skill involves encouraging positive behaviors from your child and maintaining a connection with them. If your kid is using a demanding tone to motivate you to help them in some way that feels you the wrong way, instead of refusing to help them, you can say, "Hey! You'd like some water, please? Sure, I'll get that for you.

Parenting is not easy; you need a village as you're meant to do it with others. But every parent you'll meet with this kind of conscious parenting is off the board. When you're feeling alone or misunderstood on your honorable parenting journey, tune in here to find inspiration, and use the internet to find like-minded parents and professionals to support you.

You Should Fully Engage With Your Children:

Sometimes we're physically present with our kids but not always entirely in mind, body, and soul.

If kids don't feel you are fully present and engaged with us during the day, they will try to get our attention one way or another–shouting grasping, and fighting with siblings. Do you ever feel the same?

You can prevent such a situation by putting down your phone, not answering emails, and turning off the show you're watching. Your child must be the center of your attention for the time you spend with him, and it's compulsory you are fully present with him.

Sleep is also crucial. Kids need regular bedtimes and plenty of sleep to be at their best, but they would never admit that. Parents must teach them the importance of sleep for a healthy lifestyle.

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